Saturday, January 17, 2009

Bukit Bendera Pulau Pinang Malaysia

Bukit Bendera is a regional parliament in the state of Pulau Pinang, Malaysia country. Pulau Pinang is located in the country with the country's Perak Kedah in the north of Peninsular Malaysia.

At 830 m above Georgetown, the peak Bukit Bendera (English: Penang Hill) provides a comfortable place that allows holiday-tripper insulate themselves from the hot bite underneath.

In general, this hill bersuhu 5 degrees Celsius over from the cold sea. From the peak, the traveler can be startling to see the whole island down to the ground even in the main sea. There are a fun park, an old-style cottages, restaurants and lodging, a Hindu temple, Muslim mosque, and at its peak.

Bukit Pulau Pinang actual digelari Bulit Strawberi because he is also a strawberry producer. The form of the face of earth and cold temperatures have created a strawberry can grow well.

Stub to reach the peak through Botanikal Water Park Terjun with walking. The official name of this hill is Bukit Bendera Pulau Pinang (Flag Hill), but it was still generally called Bukit Pulau Pinang.

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